9:00-10:30 X3D AR (Chair: Gun Lee)
10:30-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-12:00 H-Anim face (Chair: Jung-Ju Choi)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 SC24 concerns in the resolutions of the last JTC1 plenary meeting, Ha-Jine Kimn
13:30-14:30 X3D technology developments and standards activities, Don Brutzman
14:30-15:30 SC24 WG6 standards and standardization, Richard F. Puk
15:30-15:45 Coffee break
15:45-17:00 X3D projective texture mapping (Chair: Kwan-Hee Yoo)
17:00-18:00 X3D C++/C# language binding WG meeting via teleconference (Chair: Roy Walmsley)
18:00-20:00 Reception